

Parental Employment Support Course Details

All In Dundee – Parental Employment Support

Barnardo’s Works supports young unemployed and underemployed parents to enhance their skills and secure opportunities / progress within the workplace; ultimately supporting parents to lift their families out of poverty. We have access to a £900 upskill fund per parent to support achievement of training and qualifications.


PES Course Details

For more information on Barnardo’s Works Tayside, please visit our centre page.

Pathways Flyer

All In Dundee – Dundee Employability Pathway
Barnardo’s Works supports young people 16-29 with mental health and physical health barriers/issues to enhance their employability and wellbeing to be ready to progress into a positive destination; focusing on an “end to end” delivery model with an all-stage approach to ensure streamlined and focused support.



Padlocks of Self-Love by Hayley Adams


Jordyn joined our Explore and B’Leave programme in June 2022. This programme was developed in response to the covid-19 pandemic, and it focuses on supporting young people aged 15-18 to make the transition from school to post-school activity.

Having identified a long-term goal, to attend Dundee University in 2023 to study Computer Arts, Jordyn joined the programme to build her confidence, enhance her self- esteem and improve her social skills.

As part of her Personal Development Award Jordyn had to select an unfamiliar leisure activity to participate in.

To this end she chose an Art Workshop at Hospitalfield House; A Victorian House with a walled garden café and fernery dedicated to contemporary art and ideas.

Padlocks of Self-Love


Padlocks of Self-Love

Run by artist Sally Hackett as part of a long-term commission & part of the development, the blacksmith made a garden gate leading to the walled garden, entitled ‘Padlocks of Self-Love’.

The workshop encouraged us as individuals to celebrate love for ourselves in an act of creativity and expression. We created small icons and representations of our self in wax; which will be cast in brass and attached to the gate in the walled garden, to be kept as part of the permanent exhibition there.

Jordyn made a blue sea dragon and thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.

Hayley Addams. Employer Liaison Officer at Barnardo’s Works Tayside. Supporting young people in Dundee, Angus and Perth & Kinross.

YPG – 2 Year Anniversary – Case Study

Date – August 2022

Local Authority – Dundee City

Programme(s) – E&B, F4W, EF2, 3 & MA at Buttons and Bows Nursery




Ellie is 16 years old. She is a trainee Early Years Practitioner at a local nursery studying for an MA / SCQF level 7 Qualification.


A typical day for Ellie within the Nursery involves; Ensuring that all the children booked in for that day attend the nursery. If anyone is missing, Ellie or another member of staff would contact the toddlers’ parents. Ellie then sets up the morning activities. She also retrieves a snack for each infant as per the daily made-up meal plans. After that, they then do a fun activity with the toddlers, such as messy play, art, play rom or whichever activity they choose.

During lunch time, Ellie and the other members of staff help distribute the toddlers’ lunches and assist them to eat it. The staff then clean up the toddlers as well as the nursery. For the children that want to have a sleep, they can do whereas the ones that do not are kept occupied such as doing puzzles and other similar activities.

At 1pm the infants that get collected by their parents. They are given a handover of what their son or daughter has done that day at the nursery by a member of staff. The staff then help tidy up the nursery and give handovers to the parents of the infants that stay on later once they are collected by their parents.


Ellie’s Journey and Experience

Ellie at Work 2

Ellie’s journey and experience to enable her to be where she is today is; Ellie joined the Barnardo’s Explore & B’Leave programme in March 2021.  At that point, she was dis-engaged with school and engaging in risk taking behaviour.  We worked with her to set some realistic goals and to explore career options. Ellie then moved on the Barnardo’s Fit for Work Programme where she attended sessions with MyBnk. These covered Budgeting, being Independent, Banking/Borrowing & Beyond Today. Ellie achieved an SCQF Level 4 Personal Money Management Award. She gained a lot from being on the programme and has decided that she wanted to return to school after the summer.

Ellie left school in December 2021; She then joined Barnardo’s EF2 programme in January 2022. Ellie completed her SCQF level 3 Steps to Work qualification. She also attended First Aid Training and a Care Mix Course. This included Protecting Vulnerable Groups, Infection Control and Administering Medication.  Additionally, Ellie attended sessions with Y Dance. She also completed her SQA Personal Achievement Award (Bronze at SCQF Level 2) in Performing Arts.



Ellie progressed to Stage 3 at the end of March 2022. She completed her Certificate of Work Readiness Qualification in June 2022. She was matched to a work placement with a local nursery during her time on EF3. We received nothing but excellent feedback on Ellie during her time there. Ellie made such a great impact that the nursery, Buttons and Bows, that they have taken Ellie on via the Discover Work Employer Recruitment Incentive (Dundee City Council). Ellie has commenced her MA studies at the nursery since too. All of the above have been opportunities that Ellie has opened and created during her time over the last 2 years of being part of the young person’s guarantee with Barnardo’s.

Ellie at Work 3

Ellies thoughts and feelings

What Ellie’s enjoys most about her current learning experience is that it has assisted immensely with Ellie’s confidence and anxiety. It has allowed Ellie to develop her work skills as well as gaining new Qualifications leading to Ellie’s current MA with the nursery. Ellie also feels that her current role as a trainee EYP is very rewarding looking after young children. She also feels a lot more productive each working day as Ellie now has a set routine instead of not knowing what to do with herself each day. Additionally she feels she has a lot more worth. Ellie also said that some parts of the job role are challenging, but she would not change anything about it.

Quotes from Ellie

The support Ellie has received through the Young Persons Guarantee from Donna and Bobbi from the Employability team at Barnardo’s in Dundee

“Without both of them I would never have achieved as much as I have today or be where I am at this present moment in time, studying for my dream career in becoming a paediatric nurse in the future. Donna and Bobbi, both supported me and encouraged me to follow my dreams as well an enabling me to become so much more confident and self-resilient, I am so thankful and appreciative of them both and the time and belief they both gave me.”

Ellie at Work 1

“The skills I have developed are endless; time management from being in my current MA having to be ready to get the bus each day into work, my confidence as previously mentioned has come on leaps and bounds, my communicational skills, my teamworking skills with working alongside my colleagues at the nursery. All of these will assist me in the future too.”


The barriers Ellie has faced are Ellies anxiety and confidence as she has always struggled with them both. However with all the support Ellie has received she does not feel that they are barriers now.


Ellie’s plan once she has completed her MA / Level 7 Qualification

Ellie wishes to study paediatric nursing at Dundee University and become a nurse in the not-so-distant future. Ellie also wishes to share her success and experience with other local teenagers and young people within Dundee and surrounding areas to not let your barriers, or weaknesses get in the way and just go for it and join one of the Barnardo’s programmes as look at the success Ellie has created in reaching a positive destination and sustainable employment.


Barnardo’s Works Tayside supports young people in Dundee, Angus and Perth & Kinross.




Young Persons Employment Support Leaflet

New programme, providing support to young people aged 15-24; focusing on an “end to end” delivery model with an all-stage approach to ensure streamlined and focused support.

Target Groups – Young People most at risk of leaving school and not participating / needing support to transition from school to post school activity; 16-19 year olds not in employment, education or training; 16-24 year olds requiring tailored and intensive support due to the following barriers: care experienced, caring responsibilities, mental health, low-level criminal record/offending history; long-term unemployed 16-24, inactive and most at risk of not progressing into a positive destination


YPES Leaflet

Barnardo’s Parental Employment Support Programme – Dundee

Barnardo’s is delighted to be part of the ‘All In Dundee’ Consortium. Jenny Stewart, our Employability Coordinator, leads on the Parental Employment Support programme, working with employed parents (from low-income families) and their employers to enhance working parents’ skills; to help them to secure new opportunities/progress within the workplace; ultimately supporting parents and their families out of poverty, which is even more critical when we are now in a ‘cost of living’ crisis.

Employers will benefit from this programme, by being involved in upskilling their workforce, along with improving employee mental health and wellbeing. There can also be access, if needed, to an upskill fund to support any training/qualifications of value to the employee and employer if this will result in in-work progression. We also have access to unemployed parents who are work ready, so can also help to support with some of your recruitment requirements! We would love to hear from local employers to discuss your needs and how we can work together to upskill and add value to your workforce.

You can read a case study highlighting a recent success of a parent moving into employment here.

We can be contacted at ann.naughton@barnardos.org.uk (Ann – 07562 436256) for more information.

Head To Work Video by Donna Reilly

Head To Work

Head To Work is a project which utilises a “youth work” approach to engaging 15–24-year-olds who are living in employment deprived areas, unemployed and at risk of offending/re-offending.

This project focuses on their:

  • health and wellbeing
  • building routines and confidence
  • team work
  • money management/financial fitness
  • volunteering
  • a project to suit their aspirations and interests.

Previous participants have been involved in gardening, graffiti art, dance, walking challenges, etc. and participants can also work towards a range of qualifications. e.g., SQA Money Management, Personal Development Award, etc.

by Donna Reilly; Project 2 Worker at Barnardo’s Works Tayside


Head2Work Tayside Leaflet


Head2Work is a project which utilises a “youth work” approach to engaging 14-21 year-olds who are living in employment deprived areas, unemployed and at risk of offending/re-offending.

This project focuses on their:

  • health and wellbeing
  • building routines and confidence
  • team work
  • money management/financial fitness
  • volunteering
  • a project to suit their aspirations and interests.

Previous participants have been involved in gardening, graffiti art, dance, walking challenges, etc. and participants can also work towards a range of qualifications. e.g., SQA Money Management, Personal Development Award, etc.


For more information about Barnardo’s Works Tayside. Please visit our Dundee centre page.