
How we can help you have a positive future…

Our Employment Training and Skills (ETS) courses provide young people with skills and qualifications they can build on and develop throughout their working life.

In partnership with employers, schools, colleges and charities, we train and support over 3,000 young people every year through 20 specialist centres. We provide courses, support and careers advice, whether you’re interested in construction qualifications or a hairdressing apprenticeship.

In England in 2022/2023 3 out of 4 young people progressed from our Study Programme into either employment, further learning or an Apprenticeship.

In Scotland 72% of young people have achieved a recognised qualification and 62% of young people have progressed on to employment, further education or further training.

In the 2022/2023 year Barnardo’s Employment, Training & Skills services across the UK supported 2300 young people

Barnardo’s has delivered employment, training and skills support for over 35 years to young people aged 14 to 29 years. Whether you’ve just left school, or are making your first move to get into training please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can discuss the programmes and courses best suited to meet your needs.

All of our programmes provide high levels of personal support alongside vocational and employability skills, and maths and English support where required.

The young person is at the centre of everything we do.

We work with over 300 small, medium and large employers across England and Scotland covering a range of occupational areas and providing work experience, Apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

In addition, we work closely with a range of other organisations who provide specialist support and additional skills training.

To find out more about Barnardo’s and the support available for children, young people and families via the 800 plus services across the United Kingdom, please visit: www.barnardos.org.uk

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