You have 14 mandatory units to complete in 12 months and 3 observations in work placement. The following units are knowledge/skills base:
EYP 01: Roles and responsibilities of the Early Years Practitioner
EYP 02: Health and safety of babies and young children in the early years
EYP 03: Equality, diversity and inclusive practice in Early Years Settings
EYP 04: Safeguarding, protection and welfare of babies and young children in Early Years Settings
EYP 05: Understand how to support children’s development – is knowledge base only (written assessment)
EYP 06: Support care routines for babies and young children
EYP 07: Support the planning and delivery of activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational
EYP 08: Promote play in an Early Years Setting
EYP 09: Support well-being of babies and young children for healthy lifestyles
EYP 10: Support babies and young children to be physically active
EYP 11: Support the needs of babies and young children with Special Educational Needs and Disability
EYP 12: Promote positive behaviour in Early Years Settings
EYP 13: Partnership working in the early years and EYP 14: Support the needs of the child in preparing for school
Fully accredited by the DfE and provides practitioners the skills knowledge and behaviour they need to work in a childcare setting.