Chelmsley Wood England
At Barnardo’s we care about your future.
Our Employment, Training and Skills course’s are tailored to ensure you can reach your full potential.
We will help you to build your confidence and equip you with the skills and knowledge expected by today’s employers.
We work with multinational, UK and local employers in a wide range of industries to support you into employment, apprenticeships and training.
Our individual programmes will help you gain valuable life skills, work skills, qualifications and practical work experience.
Enrol with us to:
Midlands ETS has recently moved into modern new premises in Chelmund’s Cross. Here you will have access to specific vocational classrooms, a comfortable break out area (to use to study between lessons or take your breaks) and a wellbeing area should this be needed to discuss your course or take time out.
Courses at Midlands ETS are:-
Business Admin Support Level 2 – This course provides the knowledge and skills required for employment in an Administrative role.
Health and Social Care Level 2 – The level 1 Health and Social care course is an interactive and comprehensive course which is ideal for those who are wanting to work within the healthcare or social care setting.
Employability Award and Certificate – These courses are designed to support an individual successfully gaining a job, progressing in a chosen field, preparing the individual for further study and supporting the development of techniques required for successful independent living.
Functional Skills – are accredited qualifications which enable students to demonstrate real-life skills in English, mathematics and ICT. Students demonstrate the skills through real-life assessments set in every day contexts
GCSE Maths & English – We can also provide learners with the opportunity to obtain their GCSE Maths and English
Apprenticeship delivery provider in:
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