Multiply – Renfrewshire
Here is a video showcasing our Mulitply Course in Renfrewshire!
If you are interested in taking part contact Ross Williamson on: 07834 106116
Here is a video showcasing our Mulitply Course in Renfrewshire!
If you are interested in taking part contact Ross Williamson on: 07834 106116
Whitbread/Premier Inn and Barnardo’s Works West have teamed up to deliver an employability project which supports care experienced young people, to develop the skills needed to secure work and develop their careers within the hospitality industry.
The aim is to help prepare care experienced young people, aged 16-24, who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). In Scotland there are almost 15,000 children in its ‘care system’, but do not tell these children’s stories. Many have and continue to go through deeply distressing and disturbing experiences that are often severely traumatic. The impact can be profound and lifelong. The perpetuation of trauma and failure to support healing where children and families are already experiencing poverty and inequality is reflected in poor outcomes for many who have experience of the ‘care system’. Children living in 10% most deprived areas of Scotland are 20 more times likely to become care experienced (NHS Scotland, 2022). Some children who have experienced trauma, told the Care Review in 2020 that being taken into care and growing up in the ‘care system’ was among the most traumatising experiences they had ever had. This was further compounded by being separated from their brothers and sisters, living with strangers and moving multiple times. Barnardo’s and Whitbread have identified that promoting employment opportunities within the care experienced community in Scotland can help to not only identify hidden talent, but can provide love and respect to those within this community as well, as part of our commitment to the Promise Scotland.
The first of several hospitality courses, as part of this employability project, was launched in June 2024. This is a 10-week course which aims to improve confidence, mental and physical health, and skills of young people to enable them to achieve their full potential. Whitbread have funded these pre-employment courses for candidates with the aim of a permanent job at the one of their Premier Inn Glasgow hotels. The programme itself has been designed to develop their communication and teamwork skills, while the young people have been able to identify own skills and qualities, as they prepare for their interviews with Whitbread towards the end of the course. The young people have just started the work placements within the Premier Inn Glasgow hotels and are being mentored by several of the housekeeping teams currently employed by Whitbread.
Project Worker for Glasgow, Adam Ivanski said: “I have really enjoyed being involved with this project so far. The young people we have attending this course are enthusiastic about the opportunities that have been provided by Whitbread, as part of this project, which has really driven their motivation to succeed. This have really inspired me as an employability worker to help them as much as much I can, to prepare them all for their first steps into employment with Premier Inn and Whitbread.”
Jane Waller, Service Manager, Barnardo’s Works West of Scotland said: “The relationship with Whitbread is a new one and it’s been a pleasure to watch it develop. The staff we have worked with so far have been supportive and understanding of the young people’s needs and I’m looking forward to seeing this develop further in the workplace”
Sean engaged with our school programme EXPLORE during his time in high school which his careers advisor referred him to as he wasn’t enjoying school and struggled in that environment.
Sean then left school and engaged on our Head2Work programme, following that he was further supported in our Barnardo’s Works Best programme which led to him gaining a place on Step2Work. Sean gained multiple qualifications during his time with Barnardo’s including First Aid at Work, Vehicle Marshalling, Working at Heights and Step to Work Qualification.
On Step2work Sean completed a 4 week work placement with the Food Train (a charity organisation supporting older people across Scotland with shopping and befriending). Sean thrived in placement and his natural attributes really shone through.
After successfully completing Step2Work Sean gained part time employment at TKMAXX in Linwood which he is very excited about. Sean is also starting a Transitions to Hard Hats course at West College Scotland in August to continue working towards his goal of being a plumber.
Food Train (Placement): “Sean is a very friendly and chatty young man and has been incredibly friendly and helpful to our members who he has supported during his placement with us”
Kayleigh Bissett (Project worker): “Sean has been a lovely young person to work with and has shown great dedication during my time working with him and I am very happy to see him gain part time employment and further education”
Sean Gaffney: “Barnardo’s helped me get a job, qualifications, cv and interview skills, all the project workers were nice and supportive. I give Barnardo’s Works West a 10/10. I would recommend Barnardo’s to all my friends.”
Tegan first engaged with Barnardo’s on EXPLORE- a school transition support programme, as she didn’t enjoy school at all and wanted to leave, but, wasn’t sure on what to do after school.
After leaving school Tegan started Barnardo’s Stage 2 STEP2WORK Programme. On this course she engaged in personal development, generic employability and childcare sector focused sessions. Tegan also engaged in many employer talks, employer visits and volunteered within the local community. Tegan gained a First Aid at Work Qualification and a SQA Step to Work Qualification. Her confidence and self-belief has grew massively, as well as her timekeeping and interview skills!
During an employer talk with Cairellot on week 3 of STEP2WORK Tegan spoke to Cairellot management and explained she was planning to participate in a work placement at a local nursery and asked if she could apply for an MA through them! Cairellot explained she would be offered an interview if the placemwnt was successful. After she smashed the placement and interviewed with Cairellot … she was offered an MA the same day! She is now completing her MA at the same local nursery she completed work placement with working with children from newborn-5 years old!
Tegan- Young Person- “I first went to Barnardo’s when I was in school and about to leave school. I wasn’t too sure about the course at first, but I went back every week and realised Barnardo’s could help me get a job when I leave school. I left school with no plans but remembered about Barnardo’s and the help they could give me. So, I text my project worker about courses. For 8 weeks I did the step2work programme. I learned that I work great in a team, got qualifications and even had a bit of fun. A childcare employer did a talk, from then I knew childcare was something I wanted to do. I then got a childcare work placement that went really splendid, I then interviewed with them and I was offered a place on the spot! I am now working full time as a childcare apprentice. I’m looking forward to getting my full qualification and I know I’ll work really hard to get that!”
Erin Project Worker- “I have worked with Tegan from her first day of EXPLORE- the school transition support programme, until her first day of employment. It’s been a joy and an honour to watch her confidence, self-belief, dedication and resilience go from strength to strength to strength in that time and I know it will continue to do so in her workplace! I’m so proud of Tegan but more importantly I know Tegan is so proud of herself too!”
Ryan had just finished a college course in the summer. He had been applying to jobs and getting interviews, however to this point he had been unsuccessful. This took a toll on his self-esteem and he became worried he was not going to find a job.
Ryan wanted something that would help him and keep him motivated.
Ryan began working with Barnardo’s Works in October 2023. He worked on our Stage 1 programme Barnardo’s Works Best and Head2Work programme. On these courses he gained his first aid at work through First Aid Matters and his money management qualification through MyBNK.
Ryan attended every meeting with motivation to get the best he could out of the programmes. Ryan volunteered with a local sports group doing coaching, which he enjoyed doing alongside his football hobbies outside of the programme. This helped him grow in confidence to talk about these skills and qualities at various interviews. Ryan was a team player within the social activities and showed great enthusiasm in his time working with Barnardo’s Works.
After successful interview Ryan gained employment as a Leisure Attendant with OneRen. A job that he was very excited about gaining as it is within his desired interests of sport and football.
Ryan: “I enjoyed working with Kayleigh and Ross on both 1-2-1 and social activities this helped me build my confidence and make me feel good about myself”
Kayleigh (Barnardo’s): “ Ryan showed great dedication during the course and worked well within his 1-2-1s and was always enthusiastic during social activities, Ryan worked hard and I am very proud of his outcome of gaining employment within the leisure industry”
Ross (Barnardo’s): “Ryan is the perfect example of why you should never give up, regardless of what you feel may be holding you back”
Jayden first engaged with Barnardo’s Works when he was in S5 at Castlehead High School. Jayden was wanting to leave school but was not quite sure what next steps would be.
Jayden started Barnardo’s EXPLORE programme while still at school, this introduced him to Barnardo’s Works and staff, Jayden successfully completed EXPLORE, showing up consistently, after not attending school.
Jayden chose to leave school at Christmas, and, after successful interview came onto our STEP2WORK course.
Jayden is very into sports and is a keen amateur boxer.
While on the STEP2WORK Programme Jayden gained qualifications; Step to Work Award, Personal Money Management and First Aid at Work. Jayden met new people and built new friendships.
Jayden explored different career options and sectors during his time working with us, and decided sport and fitness industry was the path he wanted to take.
Jayden applied to go to West College Scotland on their entry into sport and fitness programme starting in August. Jayden successfully secured his space.
As part of his course Jayden completed a 4 week work placement through ONEREN which Jayden received excellent feedback for. ONEREN were advertising for part time leisure attendants, as Jayden was doing so well they encouraged him to apply.
After successfully interviewing Jayden gained the position as leisure attendant job with OneRen.
“Barnardo’s Works allowed me to meet new people, gain qualifications as well as being introduced to staff at One Ren which has allowed me to get a job following my work placement which I really enjoyed. This has allowed me to start my career in sport and fitness.”- Jayden
“Jayden has shown dedication throughout his time with Barnardo’s Works and has progressed hugely throughout his time on programme and after. I am delighted for Jayden securing both a college place and employment- well done!”- Holly, ELO
Lee attended Trinity High in Renfrew and was introduced to Barnardo’s Works through completing our TASTE programme in s4, which was a construction focused programme and allowed Lee to learn more about the industry. Lee then went onto our EXPLORE programme in Trinity High as he was a winter school leaver. Following successful completion of EXPLORE, Lee was offered a spot on our STEP2WORK programme.
Lee’s barriers were lack of knowledge, lack of work experience and qualifications. Lee knew he wanted to work in construction but wasn’t sure how to get there.
During his time working with us, Lee gained a number of qualfications: First aid at work, CSCS card vehicle marshalling, MYBNK, nutrition course, employer talks with Sophie at McTaggart and James Frew. Lee was excellent on programme- showing commitment and dedication.
Lee completed a 6 week landscaping work placement which he received excellent feedback from employer.
Holly, ELO, was then approached by Paul Hendry at JHC interiors looking for a young person to take on for a potential apprenticeship opportunity. Lee’s name was put forward and following an additional 2 weeks work placement with JHC Lee was offered a job! Working as a labourer over summer before starting a Modern Apprenticeship in Ceiling Fixing in September.
“Barnardo’s Works helped me get construction focused qualifications to then go on and get a MA in construction sector. Barnardo’s Works helped me build my confidence and meet new people. Being introduced to Paul and JHC interiors through Barnardo’s Works allowed me to secure my Apprenticeship” – LEE
“It has been a pleasure to support Lee throughout his time on STEP2WORK and the weeks following. He has shown determination to secure a job within the construction industry and has put in the hard work and shown the right attitude to get to where he is now. I am delighted he has secured employment with JHC and he is already receiving excellent feedback from his employer. Well done Lee!” – Holly, ELO
In Nov 2022 a local secondary school reached out to us, Barnardo’s Works in Paisley to discuss potential light touch employability support we could provide for a care experienced young person who was approaching the end secondary school and who had multiple barriers such as additional support needs, self-presentation, expectations of the workplace etc.
Kara engaged in an employability qualification course we delivered within the secondary school and worked 1-2-1 with a Project Worker on the DYP Programme throughout the transition from secondary school to the world of work. Kara then engaged in the Head2Work Programme where she built upon her confidence level, social skills, independent travel, community engagement and her knowledge of the world of work. Kara then successfully interviewed for the Stage 2 STEP2WORK Programme we deliver. Kara engaged in many generic employability focused sessions (CV Workshop, Skills and Qualities, Money Management, Employee Rights etc.), employer talks/visits and started a retail focused work placement at a local Barnardo’s Shop, she has continued to volunteer after programme officially ended.
Kara then engaged in a woman’s only employability and empowerment programme delivered by the local authority, throughout Kara’s time engaging in this she met with her Barnardo’s Project Worker fortnightly through the DYP Programme who supported her to understand and build upon her self-presentation, her daily routine, job search, application skills, interview prep and her DYP Project Worker even went to see Kara perform in a lead role at her local theatre’s production of Grease the Musical!
Kara got support to apply for a local vacancy as a Domestic Housekeeper, she secured an interview and got support to interview prep and what to wear! Kara has successfully secured employment!
Erin was referred to Barnardo’s Works by her careers advisor who felt she would benefit from confidence building, having a structured routine and building her employability skills.
Erin completed our Training for Work-Childcare programme in Glasgow, the course runs for 12 weeks and is in the city centre.
Over the first 6 weeks on programme Erin attended all sessions and took part in; Skills & Qualities sessions, CV building, interview technique, employer expectations, working with others, personal money management, employer talks and paediatric first aid.
Following on from this Erin completed a 6 week work placement at Tollcross YMCA, this gave Erin real work experience to boost her CV and the confidence that she could work successfully in childcare.
Erin interviewed for an MA with the childcare management company. She worked hard attending 1-2-1 appointments weekly, doing interview prep both in appointments and at home. She was then successful following interviews with the Childcare management company and an interview and trial with Indigo Childcare group.
Erin is now working as a childcare assistant with Indigo Childcare group completing her MA.
Holly Goldie, Barnardo’s Works Employer Liaison: “Erin was one of the first young people I worked with when I started at Barnardo’s Works, and throughout the last few months I have saw her confidence grow significantly, completing multiple interviews to secure her MA, being positive and persistent to reach her end goal. Well done Erin I am delighted for you!”
Erin Cairns, Barnardo’s Works Project Worker: “It was an honour to watch Erins self-confidence, self-esteem and her determination grow over the duration of the Training For Work Programme and for the weeks following. Erin worked incredibly hard to build upon her confidence level, she said yes to new opportunities presented to her and pushed her own comfort zone daily! Erin gave her everything to all interviews required to secure her MA, she should be so SO proud of herself and all her achievements! I’m certain Erin will achieve great things in the years to come! Go Erin!!”
Debby, Manager at Indigo Childcare: “Erin has settled well into our nursery and is continuing to get to know the nursery routine. Erin has quickly built a good relationship with the staff team and is continuing to get to know the children in the playroom. Erin is confident is asking questions and is willing to take direction and support from others. We are exciting to be part of Erin’s learning journey.”