

Expansion of The JOBS Project

We are pleased to announce that our NEW London Jobs project site is now up and running. The new location is situated in Crystal Palace and straddles the boundaries of five London Boroughs: Bromley, Croydon, Lambeth, Southwark, and Lewisham. We are looking forward to supporting and building connections in the area with referral partners and employers to continue to support young people into employment.

The JOBS Project

Carlton George

Hello.  I am the Construction tutor at Building Hope.  I am passionate about teaching young people skills such as plastering, tiling, wall-papering, painting etc.

The Building Hope Academy is recruiting now – September 2025 start

Enrolment is now open:

Do you want to gain a qualification in construction, CSCS training and card, English and Maths, tailored support, access to work experience placements and progression routes including paid employment, apprenticeships and further training?

The Building Hope Academy may be for you!
Are you:

  • 16-18 (up to 24 with an EHCP)? Unemployed and not in education?
  • Living in Lewisham, Bromley, Southwark, Croydon and Lambeth?
  • Unsure about what to do next?
  • In need of a confidence boost?
  • Interested in working in the Construction Industry?

*Free PPE and course material provided.
*Bursary for travel and lunch available for those who are eligible.

Venue:  The Triangle.  2 Coxwell Road. Crystal Palace LONDON SE19 3BG


Entry requirements

• Not in education, employment and training (NEET)
• Looked after Children or Care Leavers
• Residents in the boroughs of Lewisham, Bromley, Southwark, Lambeth and Croydon.

We will help you with:
• Bursary payments are provided for your lunch and travel *dependent on household income
• 1:1 support
• Support and advice to access help with financial management, housing and
health and wellbeing
• FREE PPE – Personal Protective Clothing

How to enrol

Complete and send a referral form (click link to download referral form)
Building Hope Referral Form – 2024 – 25

To register now or for further information:
T: 07784 239106
E: buildinghopeacademy@barnardos.org.uk

Sarah Rowson


I am the support member of the Team at Building Hope.  My main role is to make sure that all of the background paperwork is in place.

I aim to greet everyone with a smile and I am always happy to help

Building Hope Academy Case Study: WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION


Sarah started the Programme in October 2019, at the time, she was a single mum of three Young children. She started the program in hopes of gaining construction skills.


At the start of the programme Sarah was not confident in studying Maths and English and was anxious and concerned she might not pass these subjects, however, she put in the hard work and with the help of her tutors and encouragement from staff she was able to pass the subjects.

Socialising was another aspect that made Sarah nervous at the start of the programme, she had not been in a class/learning environment or been around new faces other than her familiar surroundings and these fears for a while kept her isolated socially at the beginning of the programme.


During the program Sarah started functional skills in Maths and English with the help of an assistant and determination was able to complete both Maths and English and gain her functional skills qualifications. In additional, she passed her CSCS Test and First Aid training,  had a key role in leading a community forum which included; speaking publicly in front of peers and professionals.

In addition, Sarah was able to lead in teamwork actives and was voted for by her peers has Deputy of Student Voice which helped her in overcoming her anxiety about socialising and speaking to different people. Sarah  also gained employment working as a construction support technician. Sarah’s aspirations have grown, and she desires to work more with young people in construction in the future.

Building Hope Academy Learner Quotes

Read on to hear about what learner’s say about the programme…


“Ever since I joined Barnardo’s Building Hope, I have been enthusiastic to learn new skills and I have been excited to come here because I know when this is over it will be worth it”.


“It has given me a better idea of where I would like to go career-wise. Before I started, I wasn’t sure, so I came here to create more opportunities for myself. I wasn’t too optimistic when I first started but as the weeks went by it got better, I gained skills I didn’t have before and felt more comfortable coming here”.


“Before the course I wasn’t excited about learning new skills but the further I have gone into the course the more confidence I have gained and my thoughts on life in general have altered”.


“The programme so far has helped increase my skills in different types of construction and boost my confidence in different aspects”.

Rebecca Knowles

Hello it’s Rebecca here!


I have been working for Barnardo’s for 3 years supporting Young people and families to access opportunities to achieve their full potential.

My role is to oversee the Building Hope Academy to ensure smooth delivery to enable learners to achieve their goals and aspirations.